Aluminium Windows Hampshire

At Commercial and Domestic Aluminium we provide a wide range of aluminium windows in Hampshire to suit your needs. Aluminium windows are highly regarded as the best choice for modern properties but due to their vast range of customisation options they also look great in traditional properties, making aluminium a great option for every home in Hampshire.

Why Choose Aluminium?

So why should you choose aluminium for your new windows? Aluminium is far superior than uPVC due to it’s many great features.

Hampshire is a county full of different environments from properties situated inland to properties on the coast and aluminium is a great material for every property no matter the location because it uses powder coated colours, which are highly robust. They do not fade and look great for years to come. Our finishes are guaranteed for 25 years so you can rest assured your new aluminium windows are going to look stunning with very little maintenance required.

Aluminium Windows hampshire

Aluminium offers lots of colour choices. We understand that you may not want the same colour for your windows on the inside and outside of your property. With uPVC the colour is the same both externally and internally however aluminium allows you to change that. You can have your windows one colour on the exterior of your property in Hampshire and then another colour on the interior of your property to match the look of your home.

Finally, aluminium is far more cost effective than uPVC. It lasts for longer and requires far less maintenance as aluminium is extremely hard wearing. Installing aluminium windows can also help to cut your energy bills as it has thermal barriers, helping to make your home more energy efficient.

Aluminium Windows in Hampshire

smart-architectural-aluminiumWe are specialists in providing great quality aluminium windows in Hampshire with over 25 years of experience installing aluminium windows. We work with a range of great partners including Comar Architectural Aluminium Systems, Smart Architectural Aluminium and Reynaers Aluminium to provide you with great products. This makes us the only choice for high quality aluminium windows in Hampshire.

RAL colours HampshireOur aluminium windows are highly technical, offering a number of excellent features and benefits, which can really make the difference to your home in Hampshire. You can choose from over 200 different colours to ensure you get the look that is right for your home. We use the RAL colour system, which is the colour standard for paint in Europe so you can easily co-ordinate the colour of the paint inside your property to the colour of your windows, achieving a flawless look. Our aluminium windows do not need repainting as the powder used is tough and weather resistant.

Customise Your Aluminium Windows

Along with the colour of your windows you can choose from a variety of different glosses, which range from matte to standard gloss. We understand every home is unique so our range of customisation options for our outstanding aluminium windows are always tailor made to suit your needs. We work together to find the right colour and the right finish for you.

Aluminium windows are sleek and fit flawlessly into your home. They do not stand out and appear bulky; instead, they blend into your property making your home look even more stylish.  This look is great for both modern and traditional properties.


We care about keeping your home secure, which is why we believe aluminium is the only choice for you. Aluminium is far more robust than uPVC and it is very tough to compromise, being virtually impossible to break into. We offer excellent locking systems with the option to upgrade, giving you full confidence that your Hampshire home is being kept safe.

Environmentally Friendly

At Commercial and Domestic Aluminium we are passionate about building a greener world and doing everything we can to reduce our carbon footprint. Aluminium windows are recyclable and are highly energy efficient, helping to cut down on wasted energy and reducing your energy bills ten-fold. By choosing aluminium windows you are not only cutting your bills but cutting your carbon footprint, resulting in happiness for everyone.

Obtain a Quote

aluminium windows pricesAt Commercial and Domestic Aluminium, we truly believe that there is no better option than aluminium for your windows and we want to work with you to provide high quality, customised aluminium windows for your Hampshire home. We offer aluminium windows at competitive prices and we invite you in to obtain a quote to start your aluminium journey today. You can drop us a line via our website or by giving us a call directly on 02380334901 and we will get back to you!